BlackVue Live
Through the videos found in the "BlackVue Live" section, users can vicariously experience the excitement and pleasure of driving all over the world!
The ongoing live-view cameras are listed in this section at random.
You can also check the Camera’s Location, Name, and Total View counts. You can become the camera owner with the highest view counts!
You can check the location of BlackVue Live cameras on the World Map by tapping the location icon.
How to share your Camera to the BlackVue Live Camera Section
If you want to share your camera, please refer to the information below and change the Privacy Settings.
Share location
By default, the “Share Location” option is disabled. If you share your location to the BlackVue Cloud, you are allowing your dash cam’s location to be shared publicly. It can be viewed on the BlackVue Cloud Map Viewer. Turning on the Share location opens up other optional preferences to share more with your fellow drivers around the world.
Share Live Video
Other BlackVue users can access your live video feed if you activate this option. Off by default.
Share Live Audio
The live audio can be shared with other BlackVue Cloud users. You can activate it once you allow us to share your live video. Off by default.
Share Camera Profile
Your camera name will be shown on the BlackVue map.
NOTE: Allowing GPS access does not have anything to do with sharing your location. Unless you allow your location to be shared in the "Public Setting", your location is totally private.
If the user shares the location and live videos of the camera, but only the “Share Camera Profile” is turned off, it is shown as a BlackVue Logo default image instead of the user’s profile.
NOTE: Activating the options above means you are allowing other BlackVue users anywhere in the world to identify your present location and your camera’s activities.