What is the Event Map?
In the Event Map, you can see crowd-sourced events videos (impact, hard braking, etc.), shared by the BlackVue community members.
How to see the Event Map?
The Event Map menu can be found on the left side bar (menu) of the BlackVue Web Viewer landing page after the user logs in, as you can see below.
What do I see on the Event Map?
The Event Map shows BlackVue events statics on the road map, with the different line colors that identify the number of events that happened in a particular area.
What kinds the events can be shown on the Event Map?
The Event Map shows only road-related events among BlackVue-detected events. AI-generated events such as Drowsiness and Hand Distraction are excluded. Please refer to the chart below for more details.
What is the purpose of the Event Map?
The Event Map is a video map created by the participation of users. Users share the event video directly on the Event Map road, and through this, users will be able to engage in various communication activities and enjoy watching the videos together with others.