The beeping sound of the DR770X Box main unit goes off when it does not detect the connection to the front camera. Even if the rear and optional cameras (IR or Truck) are not connected to their respective ports, as long as the front camera is connected to its port and is detected by the main box, the beeping sound will not go off (image below).
For example, the beeping sound will go off in the following scenarios:
- The Front Camera is connected to the Rear Port on the Main Box
The Front Camera is connected to the Option Port on the Main Box
- The Front Camera is not detected by the Main Box (either not connected to the Front Port but connected to Rear/Option Port or not connected at all)
In addition, if the beeping still sounds off despite proper connections, there could be issue(s) with the following:
- Faulty Front Port on the Main Box
- Faulty Connection Port on the Front Camera
- Faulty Coaxial Cable
- Combination of faults on the three
Make sure that before you power on the main unit, the front camera is already connected to the main box.
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