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Power / Recording / Rebooting / Abnormal Boot Issue


    Most dashcam issues can be solved by updating or reloading the latest firmware. In case your dashcam issue is not solved, refer to the table below that lists down power, recording, rebooting, and abnormal booting-related issues, solutions, and other information.


    Issue Symptom Description Cause Things to check / Solution(s) Other Notes
    Camera is not turning on / No power No LED lights turning on

    Camera has no response after plugging the cable

    Only high-pitch sound can be heard but no other signs of working
    The cable fuse is busted Refer to Figure 1 below in checking the condition of the cable fuse Powered by Cigarette Lighter:
    *Check the condition of the fuse of the cigarette power cable (refer to the Figure 1)

    Powered by Power Magic Pro:
    *Check the condition of the power magic pro

    Powered by Battery Pack (B-112/B-124/B-124X/B-130X):
    *Check the condition of the battery pack
    Power cable is incompatible with dashcam model Two-wire Power Cable (CL-2P/CL-2PA)
    *Old camera models up to DR900S series

    Three-wire Power Cable (CL-3P1)
    *Camera models from DR750X / DR900X models
    Check complete list of accessories compatibility with respective dashcam models here
    Faulty camera hardware part Usually high-pitch sound comes from the camera or no sound at all May require repair service
    Camera is not booting properly Only GPS and/or Front Security LED are on Potential power disruption during firmware update or camera initialization Format SD card and copy the firmware to the SD card before operating the camera again If issue persists, camera may require repair service
    All or some LED lights continuously flash for too long Error during firmware update Format SD card and copy the firmware to the SD card before operating the camera again May require repair service if symptoms remain the same after reloading the firmware
    Camera continuously restarts / reboot Faulty SD card Format SD card via the BlackVue PC/SD Card Viewer
    Replace the SD card
    There could be bad sectors in the SD card.
    Overheating of camera Touch camera body if hot
    Turn off camera and let cool down for a couple of minutes
    When parked, leave the car windows a few inches open to allow air circulation
    Avoid parking in direct sunlight
    Make sure that "scheduled reboot" is activated in the firmware settings
    SD cards with issues can also cause rebooting and can contribute to overheating. Replace SD card if it has issues
    Faulty camera hardware part   May require repair service / replacement of part(s)
    Camera is on but not recording No Normal Files Recorded at all (Front and Rear Cameras) Normal Recording Option is set to OFF Access your camera's firmware settings and go to Basic > Recording > Normal Recording > ON
    Save settings and allow the camera to reboot.
    No Normal Files Recoded when Driving (Front and Rear Cameras) only Event Files G-sensor (Normal Mode) settings are too high

    The camera may record a few normal and parking files upon engine on if the driver does not step on the accelerator pedal for at least five minutes. Upon stepping on the accel pedal, the first recording file is an Event file.
    Lower the value of the G-senor (Normal Mode) to about 5 (or mid-setting) for all three axes.
    Go to Firmware Settings > Sensitivity > G-sensor (Normal Mode) > 5
    Save settings and allow the camera to reboot.
    Recordings are all Event files
    Speed alert is on and the speed limit is set to either 0 or a very low value (kph/mph)

    The camera may record a few normal and parking files upon engine on if the driver does not step on the accelerator pedal for at least five minutes. Upon stepping on the accel pedal, the first recording file is an Event file.
    Deactivate the Speed alert setting. If on, set the value in accordance with local speed limit values (e.g. 30kph, 60kph, etc.)
    Go to Firmware Settings > System > Speed Alert > OFF
    Alternatively, go to Firmware Settings > System > Speed Alert > Select either kph or mph > Speed limit value
    Save settings and allow the camera to reboot.
    Recordings are all Event files
    No Parking Files Recorded at all (Front and Rear Cameras) Parking Recording Option is set to OFF Access your camera's firmware settings and go to Basic > Recording > Parking Recording > Motion&Impact Recording or Timelapse

    Save settings and allow the camera to reboot.
    The camera does not proceed to parking mode.

    Check if the camera can also detect vibrations when vehicle is parked.
    No Manual Recording (Front and Rear Cameras) The Proximity Sensor is either set to OFF or Voice Recording

    (Only applies to cameras with a proximity sensor)
    Activate the manual recording function by accessing your Firmware Settings > System > Proximity Sensor > Manual recording

    Save settings and allow the camera to reboot.
    Touch sensor is used instead of the proximity sensor for models DR770X/DR970X series (Regular and LTE lines) when recording Manual files
    For DR770X Box series, the SOS button was made available to record Manual type recordings
    The Proximity Sensor is defective. Change your proximity sensor setting to Voice Recording. Access your Firmware Settings > System > Proximity Sensor > Voice recording. Save settings and allow the camera to reboot.

    After the normal reboot, confirm if Voice Recording can be activated/deactivated by waving a finger or touching the sensor. If nothing happens, the proximity sensor is faulty and should be replaced.
    The camera may require repair service if the proximity sensor is defective.
    The camera model does not have a proximity sensor (non-Cloud camera) Upgrade to a newer camera model  
    No Event Fille Recorded (Front and Rear Cameras) No Event File was recorded in Driving mode G-sensor (Normal Mode) set to very low values.

    Go to Firmware Settings > Sensitivity > G-sensor (Normal Mode) > 5
    Save settings and allow the camera to reboot.
    In rare cases, the G-sensor could be defective.
    No Event File was recorded in Parking mode G-sensor (Normal Mode) set to very low values. / Motion Detection (Parking Mode) is either Off (0) or less sensitive.

    Go to Firmware Settings > Sensitivity > G-sensor (Parking Mode) > 8 or 9
    Go to Firmware Settings > Sensitivity > Motion Detection (Parking Mode) > 4 or 5
    Save settings and allow the camera to reboot.
    In rare cases, the G-sensor could be defective.
    No recordings were found at all for all Recording Modes
    (Front and Rear Cameras)
    The camera continues to record as usual but no recordings can be found on the SD card. Due to an SD card error, the camera cannot produce records and save them on the card.

    Format the SD card and insert it back into the slot in the camera. If the issue persists, try a different SD card.
    The camera does not respond or proceed to a normal booting Power off the camera, take out the SD card, format it, and copy the appropriate firmware into the blank SD card. Insert the SD card into the SD card slot of the camera and wait for normal booting to proceed. If the camera continues not to respond, it may need some repair work.
    No Rear Camera Recordings The rear camera does not record in all modes (Normal, Event, Parking, Manual)

    No or disrupted connection between the front and rear cameras
    Check the connection ports of both cameras as well as the pin condition of the connecting cable for any damage.

    If no visible damage is found, turn off the dashcam and remove the cable from both cameras. Reconnect the cable until there is a "clicking" sound and power on the camera once again.

    If the issue persists, the camera may need some repair work.
    Refer to Figure 2 below.
    The rear camera does not record in Parking Mode

    The rear camera recording in parking mode is deactivated
    Activate the setting by going to Firmware Settings > Basic > Recording > Rear camera recording in parking mode > ON If the issue persists, check connection ports and cable pin ends for damage. If no damage is found, the camera may need some repair work.
    Missing Recordings Event file missing during impact (Driving or Parking Mode) Faulty G-sensor Produce event file recordings by causing an impact to the camera (e.g. manually shaking the camera) Additional check on the condition of the SD card and loose power connections
    Recording gaps during Parking Mode Motion and Impact Detection is the option activated for Parking Mode recording Check Parking Mode recording settings

    *This is not an issue per se. This is how the Motion and Impact Detection mode was designed.
    Switching to the alternative Time-lapse mode will result into recording videos at D1 fps and 30-minute recording will be compressed into a minute-long Parking-type file
    Recording gaps during Driving (Normal) Mode Faulty G-sensor
    Faulty SD Card
    Produce event file recordings by causing an impact to the camera (e.g. manually shaking the camera)

    Additional check on the condition of the SD card and loose power connections
    Previous recordings are missing (certain time period) Older files may have been overwritten by newer recorded videos Backup important files before becoming overwritten  
    Check SD Card Error Sound alert "Check SD Card" Faulty SD card Due to an SD card error, the camera cannot proceed to recording.

    Format the SD card and insert it back into the slot in the camera. If the issue persists, try a different SD card.
    If trying multiple SD cards do not solve the issue, the camera may require repair service (faulty SD Card slot/reader).
    Camera in continuous loop / restarting While camera is on, the sound alert "BlackVue for your safe driving" and/or "Starting Normal Recording" can be heard Faulty SD card Due to an SD card error, the camera cannot proceed to recording.

    Format the SD card and insert it back into the slot in the camera. If the issue persists, try a different SD card.
    If trying multiple SD cards do not solve the issue, the camera may require repair service (faulty camera electronic part).
    Issue with power connection Check for loose connections: (1) power cable connection to the DC port on the front camera (2) loose wirings when PMP or other parking accessories are installed If there is no issue with power connections and the SD card, the camera may require repair service (faulty camera electronic part).
    Faulty camera hardware part   The camera may require repair service (i.e. replacement of an electronic component inside the dashcam).

    *Settings may vary according to firmware version and camera model.


    Figure 1. Normal & Busted Cable Fuses



    Figure 2. Damaged Cable Pins

    For other nonrecording-related issues not found here, please contact BlackVue Customer Support Team at cs@pittasoft.com.


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